Placemaking Projects

North Fork River Restoration
At its core, the North Fork River Restoration project includes the removal of a 6’ drop structure and a 6’ spillway at the bridge on First Street and the incorporation of eight, 18” drop points between the railroad bridge and the take-out point immediately south of the newly, redeveloped Norfolk Avenue bridge. The drop points will introduce white water characteristics to the river, provide beautification along the bank corridors, and enhance aquatic habitat including fish passages at each drop restoring the ability for fish to easily move upstream.

Braasch Ave Beautification
Braasch Avenue is being restructured from First Street to Fifth Street. Unlike routine public works projects, the proposed improvements to Braasch Avenue will 1) enhance the connectivity from downtown Norfolk to the North Fork River and Johnson Park, 2) provide extensive landscaping to provide a cohesive sense of beauty for the area, and 3) ensure that the street will equitably serve the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and automobiles.

Johnson Park Revitalization
​The Johnson Park revitalization plan focuses on the rehabilitation of a park that was once considered an integral part of Norfolk’s economic and cultural identity. The plan includes varying degrees of grading to provide safe, ADA access to the river, introduces additional parking, provides for enhanced festival space, and cultivates the expansion of youth amenities. The introduction of an amphitheater with a permanent stage and grass seating for hundreds will establish another unique, outdoor venue for concerts, plays, and ceremonies in Norfolk.